Emergencies can happen and they are almost always unexpected. When these emergencies are related to dental issues, fast treatment could limit the severity of the problem. Unfortunately, not everyone knows when to treat a dental problem as an emergency. You may delay treatment because you assume that you need to schedule an appointment when there are emergency dental services available in your area.
In most cases, the following issues will need Emergency Dental Treatment:
Severe Tooth Pain or Sensitivity
Tooth pain can be result of a deep cavity, a fractured tooth, a damaged nerve, or an infection.
If you are unable to chew, the pain is constant, and does not go away after you’ve finished chewing, then you may have a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to call us on (505)585-5157.
In case of emergency fast treatment could prevent further complications. The exact treatment will depend on the cause of the pain.
If you have severe tooth ache, If possible, rinse with salt water. You can create your own salt water by adding half a teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of warm water. Stir the salt into the water until it dissolves.
Depending on the severity of the pain, you could try to use floss to remove any food debris. You could also take an over-the-counter medication to reduce severity of the pain until you are able to visit your dentist. These steps may help you relieve some of the pain, but you still need to visit your dentist.
For debilitating pain, you should schedule an Emergency exam and avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the painful area. We are available for all the time. Please call us at (505)-585-5157(or) Email at apexdentalnm@gmail.com
Broken or Cracked Tooth:Broken, chipped, or cracked teeth are incredibly common. When this happens, you need to visit a dentist immediately.
You should not delay, as a broken or chipped tooth is vulnerable to the spread of bacteria.
You should also avoid any foods or liquids that are too hot or too cold. Extreme temperatures can cause severe pain. This discomfort can be debilitating.
If you must eat or drink before you visit the dentist, you should try to avoid chewing on the side of your mouth that has the broken or chipped tooth. You can also take a over the counter pain medication to reduce your discomfort.
Once you’re able to get in and see your dentist, he or she can access the damage. They can determine if the tooth can be repaired or fixed. Though, in some cases, the tooth may need to be extracted.
If a tooth extraction is needed, you may require follow-up appointments for restorative work. The tooth extraction may stop the pain that you’re experiencing, but leave you with a less appealing smile (or) a space.
You can restore the condition of your smile with an artificial tooth or additional dental work. For example, with a chipped tooth, Composite Bonding or a Dental Crown may be used to restore the appearance of the tooth.
Knocked Out Tooth:
A knocked-out tooth can also be considered an emergency dental situation. There is a chance that the tooth could be saved if proper treatment occurs quickly.
When a tooth gets knocked out, you should first find the tooth. If the root is still attached to the tooth, do not touch the root. Pick up the tooth by the other end and wash it in milk.
Place the tooth in a container. But, you first need to coat it with your saliva. Carefully put the tooth in your mouth or use your tongue to coat the tooth. Another option is to soak the tooth in milk.
In some situations, you may be able to place the tooth in the area from where it came out. You can attempt to set it back in the tooth socket. This can increase the chances of being able to save the tooth.
Keep in mind that above steps are only necessary for permanent adult teeth. Baby teeth do not need to be saved and should never be placed back in your child’s mouth.
Dental Abscesses:
Other dental emergencies include dental abscesses. This refers to a type of infection that forms around the root or sometimes between the gums and the teeth. This infection can cause severe pain, along with redness and fever. You may also notice a bitter taste or additional pain when eating.
It is important to address infections quickly. As an infection spreads, it can cause further damage. Additional pain can occur, in addition to the spread of bacteria. This can cause tooth decay and make the infection more difficult to get rid of.
Infections can also occur after a surgery, though, this risk is minimal. If you experience swelling or constant pain, discharge from the site there may be an infection. Fever often accompanies these other symptoms.
Immediate dental treatment increases the chances of a successful outcome. Whether you have a broken tooth, an infection, a missing tooth, or severe pain, emergency dental care could prevent additional pain or damage.
Lost a Filling: If you lose a filling and tooth is cracked and you experience severe discomfort and temperature changes bothers you on that side check with your dentist immediately to see if by refilling the cavity (or) by performing emergency root canal treatment the tooth can be saved from further damage.
In addition to protecting your teeth against injury, you should also remember to keep up with your oral hygiene Continue brushing twice per day, floss regularly, and use mouthwash.
In the event that you experience a dental emergency, give us a call at (505)585-5157(or) email at apexdentalnm@gmail.com. Your care is our top priority.
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